The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there's something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.
Life seems to have no meaning without obstacles, hurdles, without instances where we need to challenge ourselves, where we need to prove ourselves and our worth! What we call life, derives it basic meaning from the fact that it’s a journey, that encompasses hurdles, challenges, ambitions, sheer determination, absolute hard work, failures and success.

Don’t just give up realizing that you aren’t achieving success at whatever you perform. Wherever there’s inspiration and determination, you can’t be wrong, for sure! And you shall be able to get a taste of success just once in your lifetime. For the rest of the days and that whole phase before achieving success, you’ll fail; you’ll be disheartened and discouraged. Make yourself capable enough to accept failures, learn from them and move on in life.
Every person who has dreams, ambitions and goals to achieve is bound to fail, at every step of life; your first efforts won’t win you success at any task. What you need to learn is that life goes on, whether you’re glad at having a beautiful life, a sweet family, cool friends, great potentials, or you’re demoralized due to your constant failures and inability to achieve perfection at your tasks.

Everything that happens is for a purpose, something special for each event to happen, a specific cause behind every incident. Sometimes, life doesn’t give you what you want, not because you don’t deserve it, but because you deserve more!! You might not be able to work perfectly in the field of acting coz there’s something more special and unique with you, that’s still hidden and unknown to you, but shall be influential in your success; your work in the field of arts might not be excelling well, coz your potential is more than that.

Never doubt yourself, your potentials, and your worth. You are special, you’re unique, and you are beautiful. Just keep following your dreams coz they know the way!
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Be yourself, and that’s when the actual beauty begins. The best way I believe to get rid of the guilt you possess for not having been able to achieve success each day, is to set up for yourself an activity, for instance set up a goal that I’ll have to write one blog each day, that’s what shall satisfy me, or I’ll have to run a distance of 2KM or I’ll cook a meal for my friends and family. It could be anything you wish. But remember, be firm with yourself to perform that task each day irrespective of your busy schedule.

As a human, we’ve got to face a lot many difficulties in life each day, be it at work, or family issues, relationship problems or any other issue bothering you. And all these problems force us to be demoralized and discouraged, this gives birth to immense guilt within our mind, of not having been able to perform a task to its full. It’s not always your fault, so be calm, be peaceful, and focus on doing that activity that you’ve planned for yourself. Trust me, it works! After a whole day full of troubles at your workplace, irrelevant calls, unnecessary arguments, pause for a moment, give a break to yourself, and perform that activity. It brings within you a sense of accomplishment for that day.

It might not have been very fruitful as a whole for you, but when you’re able to perform this task you’ve set up, you’ll feel relieved, as if you’ve achieved something in life. Not being able to achieve success at all the works you did for the whole day, when you are able to complete this task, you’ve completed something you’ve planned for yourself, you’ve achieved it, you’ve done it!!

‘You’ll not lose, for even in defeat there lies a valuable lesson, so it all just evens up.’ Learn continually as there's always 'one more thing' to learn. So, keep learning because life never stops teaching.
Love the blog we have to be reminded that pressure creates diamonds so anything in life will never come easy. We might not see it or feel it but we have to plant the seeds first. However, we won't see the fruit right away it takes grounding it's a process but we'll all get there through Faith.