‘Every truth has two sides, it is as well to look at both before we commit ourselves to either.’
Life at times throws at you, a bunch of challenges that are seemingly impossible to overcome at first thought, adding a huge burden to your mental level of stress, that's already raised to the top due to modern worldly tensions. But this impossible task of overcoming these challenges soon seems to ease off and appears to be possible, when you start looking at the wider picture, when you start analyzing the other side of the situation, and thus, comes in the Other Side of the Coin.

As the quote says, 'Every coin has two sides,' positive and negative aspects linked to every situation. So if you come across a task that seems uneasy, unexpected, and tough to perform, try looking up at it from the other side, maybe it's not exactly the way you see it, could be that it might have been a blurred vision on your part at first, that soon clears out when you give it another glance from the other side.

As John Hendy says, 'Madness and Genius are two sides of the same coin', there's no great genius without a touch of madness. Whether you look at an individual as being a crazy creature or as a wise human, is your perspective, the way you look at it. But the truth is that at any particular point of time, only one side of the coin shall be visible to you, and the other comes up gradually. So it's always of benefit that you try digging deeper and discovering the other aspect of the matter.

This is, well, the way to tackle all the problems of life, the stress that builds up often looking at a situation can be eased off by looking at the other side of the coin. Even if a condition seems not to be in your favor today, there's some positive direction it leads to, a hidden yet vital meaning that lies buried deep under the surface, waiting to be discovered by you. Eventually, everything falls into its proper place. Until then, keep looking for the other side of the coin, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason.
For instance, you had been selected for an ‘On-the-Job training’ workshop, to be held in the USA, by your company. But just a week before the workshop, the board changed its decision and appointed another colleague for the workshop in your place. Now, at first sight, this of course seems to depress you as your opportunity of getting to learn from the workshop, traveling to the USA, is lost. However, if you wish to spend your life with no regrets, no guilts, and certainly, no depression, you can for sure, look up at the situation in a manner, that it might be another big project coming up in India, for which the board considers you to be apt and that’s why didn’t send you to the USA, could be that your family might need you in this time and your presence in the USA would have caused troubles to them. Thus, looking from the other side of the coin, you can keep yourself motivated, positive, and away from any kind of gloom resulting from this situation.

Hence, in life, it’s always beneficial to throw a glance at the existing situation from the other side, could be that the opinion you form by looking at it for the first time, is not wholly what it indicates, not the complete picture, and looking at the other aspect, might open up entirely new paths to tread, journeys to experience and goals to achieve…