There’s a need to call our generation a truly blessed one, coz we’ve had the chance, at some point in our lives, to live amidst a bunch of trees, to breathe a relatively fresh clean air, to be equipped with enough water to satisfy our immediate needs and finally, to have a glimpse of some rare creatures that might exist on our Planet Earth.

But I feel really sorry for the generations to come, for they shall never have the chance to sit in the lap of nature to attain a state of peace and get rid of their worries, not even a drop of water shall be available for some emergency case, no forests, no trees to help bind the soil, to cause rainfall, to provide foodstuffs and raw materials for product manufacturing, and most significantly no trees to provide oxygen...Well, I feel sorry for the future generations for they shall have a dark bleak future, they’ll have to bear with the serious repercussions of actions they never performed but their previous generations, that is, we did.
What we do today, should logically show its impacts in the future, however, the intensity of our actions is so high that their harsh impacts are visible even today in the form of global warming, the climate crisis, rising ocean levels, and increasing frequency of natural calamities, etc. Aren’t these instances of environmental damage enough for us, humans to realize the grave threat to our planet, aren’t we still ready to limit our needs and make an effort to efficiently utilize the natural resources, aren’t we still awake?

It’s absolutely essential that we know what the need of the hour is, and we take a step forward, make an effort and incorporate sustainable measures into our lifestyle, so that there’s some hope for the future generations, to be able to live their lives on this planet Earth the way we could, with all the natural resources. We need to learn to live sustainably in harmony with nature, for we have Only One Earth and we need to conserve, preserve it, and the key to doing this lies in one word – Sustainability. Sustainability deals with the method of utilizing natural resources in a manner that enables the present generations to fulfill their requirements and at the same time doesn't sacrifice the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

The problems relating to the environment have already been solved; we already have the facts and solutions. What we need to do is just wake up and change. It’s high time now, we humans, need to wake up, see what’s actually going on around us, the environment is being deteriorated and nature is losing its glory and natural calamities are on a rise, all because of our selfish unwise deeds. Thus, we need to join hands, come together and bring a change...
It’s neither yours, nor is it mine. It’s ours. So, this World Environment Day, let’s pledge to protect our mother, who has nourished and nurtured us all – Mother Nature...