The greatest challenge in your life is to discover who you are. The second greatest being, to be happy with what you find...

The most significant relationship that you possess, which is your most prized possession, is the relation, you have with yourself. Discovering your true self means to discover who you are, what describes you the best, what defines you, and what gives a purpose to your existence. This isn’t, however, an easy task. It takes a lot of time and effort to discover that sweet secret hidden somewhere inside you, in the deepest corners of your heart, that isn’t yet known to anyone in the world and awaits to be discovered and presented out to the world.
Your true self isn’t something that is defined by how you physically look to the people around you; you might have a cute smile or a pretty face. But that isn’t something that defines you or your personality.

What defines you, describes you perfectly, are those innumerable thoughts that run across your mind when you have a particular topic for discussion, the gamut of emotions bursting inside you when you meet an individual really close to your heart, those independent opinions and perceptions that you form about a relevant theme.
What is of utmost necessity is that you tread on the path that provides you with an understanding of your inner potential and abilities. There are still numerous secrets and mysteries, about you, still unknown to you, and which await to be revealed and solved by you.

Challenges help you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. As it is rightly said, until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have. Just accept yourself as you are and believe in yourself. The Almighty has created us all with a definite purpose in mind. We just need to figure out the actual purpose for which we have been sent on to this planet and what we can do for this world. Just give yourself a chance to discover who you really are.

Once you have discovered your true self, then just hold on tightly to the rope of positivity and put in absolute hard work coupled with sheer determination, to be the best version of yourself. ‘Find yourself, discover yourself and be who you really are, the true you so that you can enjoy life with no regret.’