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Girls are unique, Girls are precious, Girls are strong...



‘The question isn’t who’s going to let me, who’s going to allow me, it’s who is going to stop me.’ A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.
This is when the actual beauty begins, when she decides to be her own self, when she stops acting in a way society wants her to, and starts working for her own passion, her happiness, and does what makes her contented and satisfied. That’s when we see a pretty girl, who’s pretty at heart, satisfied at soul and smart at thoughts. This is what defines her, describes her true identity, who she is, what inspires her, what she wants, and what she thinks. A girl matters, her voice matters, her identity matters, because girls can do anything!!

Being a girl, is a matter of pride, something special about each girl, that yet awaits to be presented to this society, which has for so long considered her just apt for household tasks and growing up kids. There is a spark within every girl, to dream big, to have ambitions, and work whole heartedly, with sheer determination and absolute hard work. However, this is not to prove the society wrong, but to prove herself strong and capable, to prove her strengths are not just meant for giving births, her passion isn’t just linked to the household tasks. She is capable of achieving everything she wants, and she has the potential to do every single thing boys are assumed to be capable of. The phase that weakens her determination, that discourages her to follow the path she has always cherished, is when the society doesn’t support her and she isn’t permitted to live her life as per her own sweet will, when she isn’t allowed to shape her future and write her own destiny.

Her journey isn’t that simple, isn’t that direct. She gets to face a lot in her life, lot many challenges and obstacles, just as even the boys would have to. But still, she suffers more, due to the mentality and perceptions that have been ever so prevalent in our society from the ancient times. These notions have always influenced the way she is looked at, her position in the society, her say in all vital issues. We can’t prepare the future for our girls, we can’t change the rigid mindsets of individuals about girls, but we can prepare our girls for this, we can make them strong and confident enough to listen to every such opinion, however to know how to answer back and prove herself to those individuals.

Times are changing, opinions are changing, perceptions are transforming, and she is growing strong and entering into every field of society as an essential element. She is no more looked upon as an inferior and unnecessary component of the society; however is being included and made a vital element of most significant fields and events. Girls are rising up to their true positions and are realizing their true worth. They are receiving the support from most sections of the society, opportunities to be an integral part of all types of events, even the ones that have been previously considered far from girls’ capabilities.

She is growing, and so, is the mindset of the people, which is becoming more supportive and positive towards girls and their potentials.

Every girl’s potential needs to be realized and she needs to believe in her self worth, discover her true abilities and work ahead in life towards achieving something that inspires her, that she aspires for and that satisfies her. It’s the prettiest moment she can ever have!!!


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