We belong to this Planet, and this planet belongs to us, we have our soul in this nature and nature has its soul in us, we have our lives in the ecosystem around us, and this ecosystem has its life in us. Such a deep and strong attachment with this planet, the nature, and the ecosystem brings to light the realization that as this planet has always fulfilled our needs, the nature always has some cure for our diseases and the ecosystem has always bestowed upon us, natural resources of immense significance, it becomes our moral duty to ensure the protection and preservation of the planet and maintain its glory and natural beauty…
The frequent news updates regarding natural disasters happening in varying parts of the world, cause a shiver to run down my spine. Such disasters are the display of nature's wrath at the selfish and unwise human deeds. The most essential fact, however, is that as Greta Thunberg says, ' The climate crisis has already been solved. We already have the facts and solutions. All we have to do is wake up and Change. '

For humans to wake up and be ready for bringing a change, it's necessary that they realize the truth, that Earth itself is a living organism, with its own metabolic needs and vital processes, which need to be respected. Such an awareness needs to be spread, and the mindsets of the individuals need to transform, in order to give rise to a change in the society and the way natural resources are utilized, the way other creatures of this planet are treated.
Earth Day, as the name suggests, is a day dedicated specifically to the protection and preservation of Earth and its resources, an effort to spread this kind of awareness among humans, regarding the climate crisis happening around the world and measures to solve it. Earth Day Week, is, therefore, a whole week dedicated to our planet Earth, from 16 April to 22 April. However, it’s not just a day or a week that needs to be dedicated to our planet, it needs to be our whole life, every day in the year, every moment of the day, we need to act in a manner that doesn’t harm our planet and is directed towards its conservation.

The need of the hour is to, ‘Invest in our Planet’, our time, efforts, and the technology we create, towards the protection of the planet and its resources. The best way to invest in our planet would be to incorporate sustainability into our everyday life, and ensure that sustainable development takes place in numerous aspects of our lives, including food, clothing, home appliances, resource utilization, etc. This is a significant step, as the key to a safe, green, and clean future lies in one word- Sustainability.
Celebrate Earth Day Week, with ‘The Chain of Change’, ‘Invest in our Planet’, ‘Live Sustainable’, and ‘Be a Global Changemaker’...