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Sustainable Fashion: A Beginner's Guide


We are living through a significant phase, and we are a significant generation, we shall be remembered for our deeds and for our contributions, in the future, maybe as an inspiration for the generations to come, for our generosity, or maybe as a terrible reference for our cruelty and ignorance. We are a generation that has complete access to all that nature has bestowed upon us, humans, a free and uncontrolled reach of all the natural resources and reservoirs. But at the same time, we have the huge responsibility on our shoulders to ensure that we are capable enough to prevent the dust and sands of selfishness and greed from seeping to the core of our hearts and souls and prohibiting avarice, insensitivity, and ignorance, from becoming our predominant attributes. We have it all in our hands, and we are the ones who have to decide whether we are supposed to maintain our prime focus on the fulfillment of our greed or are essentially required to consider the restructuring of our life systems, transforming our lifestyles into more sustainable and insightful ones. Our thoughts need to change, our perceptions need to be transformed, our minds need to think as one and our hands need to be joined together, to bring about variations and modifications in our lifestyles.

Sustainability is seen as a process that involves catering to the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainability, however, needs to be adopted as a way of living and is to be incorporated into our everyday lifestyle, in all aspects, be it food, accessories, fashion, clothing, luxuries, energy, or ecology. Sustainable fashion is one such means to ensure that our everyday life tends to become more eco–friendly and is inclined towards environmental preservation. Sustainable fashion relates to fashion products and clothing styles that are predominantly based on natural, organic, or renewable resources and involve the usage of sustainable techniques for production. Eco-fashion, besides being a rapidly growing trend, is a means to ensure that the ecological balance of the ecosystem is maintained and a healthy way of living is promoted. Sustainable clothing, along with being influential in promoting a green environment and an environment-friendly way of living, provides a path for new innovations in this field, new materials to be discovered, and new uses of various natural resources to be brought to the front and to the notice of common man.

Sustainable clothing deals with the method of production and insists upon the usage of eco-friendly products, which help in reducing pollution levels and ensuring a safe production process. The realization has dawned upon us all, that it is the need of the hour to switch over to more ecologically viable and sustainable measures and Eco clothing has been influential in transforming our ideologies and bringing up a conclusion that these sustainable measures are not only environment friendly, but are also capable of fulfilling our fashion needs and bringing about diversification in the field of clothing.

Natural fibers such as bamboo, hemp, linen, etc. are utilized for the purpose of sustainable clothing, to promote a healthy lifestyle. New measures, such as opting for sustainable fashion, contribute towards the regulation of impacts of our everyday life actions and production techniques adopted by us on the ecosystem and are a means to prevent any threats to our planet and any risks to our sustenance in this environment, which might be a major consequence of our uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources, with no consideration for its management and conservation.

It's the absolute necessity of the current times that all of us make efforts to incorporate these kinds of sustainable steps into our lifestyles. Numerous organizations have been putting in whole-hearted efforts to promote these eco-friendly measures and to persuade the general folk to adopt these. The need for the hour is that we have more such hands to join us, more such minds to think like us, and more such hearts to feel this need.



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