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The Journey that Changed my Life...


It felt lonely, to keep it all to yourself and let it stay as a secret, deep within your heart. I could experience the need for a means to communicate all that I had on my mind, and to share with people around, all that I thought would hold importance in their lives. That’s when I started to write, write diaries each night before going to bed, bringing down all that I went through during the day, and the varying kinds of experiences I had, which I wouldn’t prefer to share with even my best friend. Thus, the diary became a good friend, I could share everything, literally everything, be it my craziest secrets or weirdest talks, or maybe the worst experiences of my life.

I found someone who would listen to me and give a place to my voice, and show no judgemental opinions, which made me feel comfortable while writing up. I still remember the first diary I had, for writing my everyday experiences, and I covered it with a yellow cover, designed the front page, and called it ‘My Dream Diary’.

Although it was just a piece of paper, it felt actually soothing; to put it all off my chest and bring it onto a piece of paper, it felt as if I’d just shared it with somebody. Getting into my teenage years brought rolling in, many new experiences, which were quite unexpected even. After a whole day full of such new experiences, I could finally find solace in writing it all down. And that’s when I discovered the true beauty of Writing. It’s actually, a ‘painting of your voice’. Your writings give shape to your voice, a reflection of your personality, and a light thrown upon a bunch of traits of your character.

On this journey of learning to express yourself through your writing, I could realize another important lesson, and that was about- ‘The Vitality of Praise’. I wrote for my own satisfaction, but when my teacher read my diary and appreciated me for my writings, it felt different. The first time, I tried to do something new, express my opinions and what I felt, through my diary, and I was praised by a person I admired. Well, what could be more encouraging for a teenager, just beginning a totally new journey? Even when today, I post my blogs, and receive claps, praises, comments on my writings, it feels so comforting and satisfactory. It’s these words of praise that can keep an artist moving on her journey, keep writing more, and sharing more.

I kept on writing and started posting my blogs on Blogger. That was an entirely new experience when I could read the comments on my blog; get a statistical analysis of the readers to my blog.

During this Writing Journey, there are times, when you struggle with writing, you can’t find words to express yourself, or you aren’t focussed enough to think up about the points to be mentioned in the specific article. At such times, just close everything and give yourself a break, maybe just a short one, you could go out for a walk, or for discussions with your family, watch an episode of your fav series or listen to some soothing songs, and give your mind some time to relax. Then when you get back to work, it’s like a new beginning and your mind is fresh enough to start now.

There shall be many new experiences on this Writing Journey, that’ll keep on giving you lessons through numerous ways, teachings that shall be vital for your future. There are times, when you write and share with people around, but receive no responses from the persons, or maybe negative comments about your post. That happens, and is frequent, at least when you’re just a beginner.

I‘ve gone through this phase, and even today, at some posts, I don’t receive any responses from the people with whom I shared. But that doesn’t mean that you’re not capable of writing, it just means that your piece of writing went unnoticed, maybe due to the lack of promotional abilities in you. At such points of time, what holds significance is the motivation that you need to bring in yourself, the confidence that you need to build up. Such instances shall convince you to write more, and write better so as to observe improved results the next time, and this shall be the most beneficial phase of your journey.

Even when I am writing this Journey of Writing, I had no intentions before to write something like this. I was supposed to write on a topic relating to the environment and the Planet but found it difficult to find the words to express myself at that point and thus, I took to write this.

When you write about your own journey, it inspires you more than it does others because you can have a glance back at all the significant events that took place, in order to bring you to a stage where you’re now.

The true essence of writing can be realized only by writing more and more, on topics that would interest people around and would inspire you, at the same time. Inspiration is of utmost necessity in the writing process. The source from where you draw inspiration to write, and whether your piece of writing forms a source of inspiration for others who read it or not, is of immense significance.

Words are the most inexhaustible source of MAGIC. This quote holds the true essence of writing. You can create magic with your writing, leave magical imprints on the minds of people who read your writings and create magical worlds with your words and writings.

Happy Writing!!!



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