‘We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.’ The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. And we need to ensure that the youth today, have all the possible opportunities and resources to learn and to grow, so that they can come out to be responsible and aware citizens of

the society. Youth of a nation possess great potential, to transform mindsets, to develop a region, to inspire people and to teach a lesson of progress and prosperity. All that they demand is education, to learn various concepts that form a foundation for their future personality, to grow and explore the world, and develop a rational thinking, to efficiently work towards creation of a better and successful society.
What is essential on the part of the people is that they work willingly, to provide the youth with equal opportunities, to participate, to grasp, to think, apply and to form decisions. The youth, today are smart and capable, to explore new ideas and ways to solve world issues, to deal with topics which require collaborations and team work. These individuals are even engaging themselves into numerous projects and campaigns aimed at bringing significant and positive changes in the world, such as campaigns to promote the Sustainable Development Goals, spreading awareness about global sensitive issues, online projects to utilize technological resources for ensuring the good of the citizens.
We all need to realize that whatever the youth observe happening in the nation around them, be it in the political sphere, social or economic fields, be it cold wars among nations or be it the collaboration and friendly relations among nations, be it the misuse of technical advancements or technological up gradation in certain nations, be it riots and discrimination in countries or equal rights and justice provisions in society, all are influential in determining the actions of the youth in future as future world leaders. So, it becomes important for us to create a safe and peaceful atmosphere of global cooperation showcasing mutual help and sharing among nations of the world so that the youth can learn and get inspired to fulfil global ambitions and goals together.

The ideas that keep popping up in the minds of the youth, the innovations they plan to do, the creativity they tend to showcase in their works, need to be appreciated, that gives a boost to many such young minds, young writers, poets, business persons, scientists, to continue to put in their heart and soul in such works which shall prove to be helpful for the development of the nation.
National Youth Day is celebrated every year in India on 12 January, to mark the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda and to spread his teachings among the youth. The theme for National Youth Day 2022 is based on a prominent teaching of Swami Vivekananda, ‘It’s all in the mind’. All that you have in your mind influences, to a greater extent your actions and your behaviour, what you think is what you become. Mind is a powerful thing, however, if attracted towards negativity, tends to destroy and depress you as an individual. Thus, it is necessary for the youth to learn to accept life as it is, and to train their mind to see the good in every situation because all that happens, is with a purpose.
Once your mind starts accepting and filling up with positive thoughts, your life begins to change for the good. Youth of today, need to understand their potential and their abilities, they have the power to change the world, they have to raise their voice and express what they have on their mind, and that’s because the power of the youth is the common wealth for the entire world.