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World Health Day...


'He who has health has hope and he who has hope has significantly everything.'

This is the truth of human life which holds immense significance and needs to be realized by all. Your health matters, because it's not just your post, your money that matters, it's the fitness and health you possess, throughout life that matters the most. Even an individual at a high post, with a great job, and a huge amount of wealth, but unhealthy and unfit, shall not be able to function productively at his work. A fit human with satisfactory health can work effectively and efficiently and act as a productive resource to the nation. The health of any individual influences his personality and the way he behaves, the wealth he earns, and his productivity. The essence of life lies in the health you possess, and the efficiency with which you're able to function at the workplace. Thus, rightly justifies the saying - ‘Health is Wealth’.

The theme for World Health Day, 2022, is - ‘Our Planet, Our Health’, which specifically relates the environment around us to our health. The state in which we keep the ecosystem, and the influence that our actions have on the nature around us, have a significant effect on our human health. Thus, comes the necessity to work towards the conservation of the environment in order to stay in good human health.

Human health, however, doesn’t deal only with our physical health, but also with our mental and emotional health at the same time. Mental health would mean a state of peace and stability within our mind, a relation among the mind, heart, and soul. Emotional Health, on the other hand, deals with the control we have over our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. A healthy individual thus would mean a person with a fit physique, mental well-being, and emotional stability.

But in this world full of time bondages, hectic schedules, and immense workloads, it becomes absolutely tough to be able to manage one’s health and stay fit physically, stay mentally stress-free, and emotionally strong. Due to the instances in human life, we tend to lose our mental peace and might become victims of depression and anxiety disorders, or we tend to be emotionally affected due to certain relationship issues which makes it immensely difficult to stay strong. Thus, is necessary, that we learn to have control over our body and our mental state so that our health isn’t affected by such instances in life.

Talking about other factors that can affect our health, comes the environment in which we live, and our surrounding nature. The satisfaction that one can experience while sitting in the lap of nature, is unparalleled. And the cause of this satisfaction, is the planet Earth, thus showcasing its influence on human health.

There are times when I feel terrified; I can experience that horror when I think up about the environmental changes happening around us. The regular news updates about natural disasters, floods in some parts of the world, drought in others, earthquakes in some regions, landslides, and cyclones, in others, cause a shiver to run down my spine. Uncertainty and negative emotions start surrounding me, due to the effect these climate changes cause on our mental health. Hence, it becomes the need of the hour to preserve the ecosystem and ensure that we keep our planet healthy and green in order to have good health which is in direct influence of the Planet’s health.

World Health Day, emphasizes on our human health, but at the same time, focuses on the health of another important living individual and that’s our Planet Earth.
Stay Healthy, Stay Safe !!!



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