‘If there’s magic on this planet, it is contained in water.’

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. That’s a part of the natural human tendency, to take all for granted, and realize the necessity of the resources at the time of their scarcity. Nature has bestowed upon us, numerous resources to make our human life, comfortable and stress-free. Humans have always kept on utilizing these natural resources, just for the sake of their desire fulfillment, without any considerations about future generations. And that’s why; their scarcity opens up to us the realization of their immense vitality.
We are living through a significant phase and we are a significant generation, with a huge responsibility on our shoulders to protect the ecosystem from any damage and disruptions. We need to prevent the dust of greed and selfishness, to seep deep into our souls. It’s our duty to put our best efforts to conserve this environment around us and to preserve the natural resources for future generations.
On the occasion of World Water Day, importance is given to the topic of ‘Saving Water for a better, safe future’. However, the special emphasis for the year 2022 is on ‘Groundwater’ with the theme- ‘Groundwater, making the invisible visible...'

The majority of our needs are fulfilled through the use of water, be it for cooking purposes or washing or manufacturing or electricity generation, etc. and that’s why water is called the ‘Driving force of all Nature’. From the very beginning of a child’s school life, he’s taught about the importance of water in human life and is taught the very basic lessons to conserve water. However, most humans these days have started to ignore such tasks of conserving natural resources and just consider it to be the sole responsibility of special agencies and authorities.
It doesn’t call for massive attention, huge rallies, long speeches, committee discussions, in order to conserve water. It just calls for immediate and widespread awareness, changing the mindsets of the people around, and making them aware about their duties towards the environment, to conserve water, as a natural resource of utmost necessity.

We need to focus on the Sustainable Use of Water, as a resource, which calls for, judicious use of water, keeping in mind the needs of the future generations and using it in a way that future generation is not forced to compromise with their requirements.
Save the water to save our planet from the great crisis. By saving water, you can save much life. Water forms the very basis of human existence on this Planet Earth, and thus, is a need to save water. The usage of Groundwater, as a source of abundant water, needs to be focussed upon. Groundwater is the water present beneath the Earth’s surface in rock and soil pore spaces, and this groundwater forms about 30 percent of all readily available freshwater in this world. This highlights the greater chance humans have, by making the invisible visible!!!